Desktop entry for MATLAB in Linux

To generate a desktop entry for MATLAB (desktop environment XFCE and GNOME) after installation we generate a so called *.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/ with the following content:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2020b/bin/matlab -desktop -softwareopengl &

where we replace the path under Exec with the path pointing to the MATLAB executable. The MATLAB icon in this case was manually added.

Memory access patterns to shared memory in CUDA

CUDA has a small amount of memory available for its threads called shared memory. As the name already suggests is that this memory is available to all threads within a block simultaneously. We want to use this property to make threads read memory from global memory to shared memory in a block, use the memory together, and afterwards write the result back into global memory to avoid multiple accesses to global memory. Nevertheless, there are some rules one need to respect for high performance.

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