Some notes about how I use the NVIDIA Jetson Nano (4 Gb)
XRay Mass Attenuation Coefficient from NIST database replotted
There is a nice database provided by NIST which shows the mass attenuation coefficients for different elements. Nevertheless, the plots have kind of an outdated flavor and do not really show the edges nicely. I reran the plotting for all elements and uploaded the plots below.
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Dependency management with CMake and FetchContent
How to handle lightweight dependencies using CMake and FindContent
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About separable convolutions
What is separable convolution, why would we use it, when can it be applied and how to get the 1D filters.
Setting up a headless Raspberry Pi Zero W
A guide how to setup a headless Raspberry Pi Zero W without ever connecting it to a screen or keyboard.
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Tweaking Adobe Reader to Save without File select dialog
Adobe Acrobat’s reader is by far the most commonly used PDF reader in this world. Nevertheless, the default file saving option is a no-go. Here is the work-around.
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C++ notes: nodiscard attribute
About using the [[nodiscard]]
attribute for your functions.
Code snippet: inheritance with class templates and this->
A simple example how to use class templates in combination with inheritance.
Continue reading “Code snippet: inheritance with class templates and this->”
Trapezoidal velocity profile for a stepper motor
A simple way to achieve an acceleration profile for a stepper motor (fixed step size).
Continue reading “Trapezoidal velocity profile for a stepper motor”
Notes on ArchLinux ARM & Raspberry Pi 4
Some short notes about things I do over and over again when setting up Raspberry Pis with ArchLinux on them.